Smartskin CO2

CO2 Fractional Laser SmartSkin now  in Federal Way


Do you suffer from wrinkles or acne scars and have dreams about clear skin? Now your wish can become reality. Federal Way Laser Surgeons  just 20 minutes from Seattle , Issaquah and Bellevue has the new SmartSkin Co2 laser by Cynosure, the world leader in laser technology. Co2 fractional laser is a technique that can dramatically improve your skin texture, and complexion in as little as 5 days. 


Co2 Fractional Laser Now in Federal Way and the Seattle Tacoma Area

Many patients that suffer from acne scars or stretch marks have tried topical remedies such as chemical peels or other skin tightening lasers such as Fraxel or Thermage. The Co2 fractional ablative laser selectively and specifically penetrates collagen damage creating tiny perforations in the skin. The treatment is performed in less than an hour. Afterwards, the skin is allowed to heal laterally. After the third day you begin to see the newly formed smooth textured skin appear. By the fifth day your new skin is quite apparent. Your skin is tighter and healthier. Spider veins and blemishes will be diminished or gone. Your crows feet and smokers lines around your lips will hardly be noticable.  



Chemical Peels or Co2 Ablative Laser?

There are various degrees of chemical peels. Some chemical peels are stronger than others. The medical grade chemical peel can only be performed by a physician and uses much stronger chemicals than the esthetic grade chemical peel. The chemical peel regardless of medical grade or esthetic grade exfoliates the epidermal layer of the skin at a much more shallow depth than the Co2 fractional laser. Results are therefore less predictable. Consequently for deeper scars and a more thorough result, the CO2 fractional ablative laser is most effective. The CO2 laser can make your skin look several years younger in as little as 5 days.


Treatment for Acne scars and Wrinkles in Federal Way

Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are fabulous for minimizing the movement of the facial muscles which cause facial wrinkling but the CO2 fractional ablative laser can drastically turn the clock back and minimize crows feet, frown lines, and smokers lines around the lips with one 30 minute treatment. The use of Botox, Dysport and Xeomin is recommended to protect your new skin as well as good sun block such as Epionce, Is clinical and Jane Irdale all of which are partners with Federal Way Laser Surgeons. 


 Acne Scars now Treatable in Federal Way and Seattle

The scar is the unsightly blemish formed  from damaged collagen. The aftermath of  active cystic acne eruptions are damaged skin and collagen. This results in collapsed regions of the skin which can resemble craters. CO2 ablative lasers such as the Smartskin now at Federal Way Laser Surgeons  can shrink acne scars from active acne. One 30 minute treatment of Co2 Smartskin will penetrate to the proper depth to help repair acne scarring. Other scars also respond to CO2 ablative laser treatment. Ask the friendly and knowledgeable staff at Federal Way Laser Surgeons for a free consultation  today. do not let ugly facial scars dominate your life any more.


Stretch Marks now Treatable at Federal Way Laser Surgeons

Stretch marks are caused by extreme pulling and damage to the skins underlying collagen after extreme weight loss or childbirth. Often the stretch marks are large and can have some discoloration. Federal Way Laser Surgeons now has CO2 ablative laser treatment for stretch marks. Within as little as a 30 minute treatment, the stretch marks begin to repair. After one week, new collagen begins to form under the damaged area and  the skin becomes visibly  improved. The Smart Skin laser by Cynosure is the state of the art dermatologist recommended treatment for serious patients that want results.  


The Madonna Lift at Federal Way Laser Surgeons

Do you feel your eyes are droopy and the skin below and above  them makes you look tired? Now you can have vibrant and tighter eyes with one quick treatment at Federal Way Laser Surgeons. The Madonna Lift is the use of skin tightening laser therapy around your eyes without invasive eyelid surgery. The results are dramatic. If eyelid surgery is not for you, ask the professional staff at Federal Way Laser Surgeons about the Madonna Lift . 



Hand Wrinkles now Treatable in Seattle, Tacoma and Federal Way

Do you have aged and wrinkly hands? Did you know that the CO2 fractional laser can dramatically turn your clock back making your hands look young again? Call Federal Way Laser Surgeons today for a free consultation to see if Smartskin CO2 Fractional laser to treat hand wrinkles is right for you. Do not be embarrassed about your aged hands any more. A 20 minute treatment can make your hands look younger and healthier within days. 


Treatment for Neck Wrinkles and Declotage now in Bellevue and Seattle Area

CO2 ablative laser can make your neck and declatage youthful in one quick treatment. If you are serious about eliminating wrinkles and unsightly pigment on your neck area do not hesitate any more. Call Federal Way Laser Surgeons today or request an online appointment to see if SmartSkin CO2 treatment for neck and declotage  skin tightening is right for you. 


Federal Way Laser Surgeons Experts in Acne Scar Treatment 

Federal Way Laser Surgeons is a professional team of skin care experts, dermatologists , cosmetic physicians and surgeons. Physician driven, you will always be evaluated by a physician to determine if CO2 ablative laser treatment is right for you. We at Federal Way Laser Surgeons emphasize education of our patients. Come with questions and we will answer them. Your confidential consultation will help you decide if CO2 ablative laser treatment is right for your skin. Not everyone is a candidate for CO2 ablative laser treatment. If necessary, our dermatologist will evaluate your skin and determine if SmartSkin is the treatment for you. 


Federal Way Laser Sureons Expert Cosmetic Physicians Serving Tacoma, Federal Way and Bellevue

The CO2 ablative SmartSkin is a laser that must be operated by a physician , nurse practitioner or physicians assistant. At Federal Way Laser Surgeons, your treatment will be carried out by a physician. The laser settings are customized for your treatment area. You can feel comfortable at Federal Way Laser Surgeons that a physician is present  for all of your treatments. 


Financing for Laser Acne Scar Treatments

Federal way Laser Surgeons has financing available for  those that qualify. We at Federal Way Laser Surgeons make every effort to help our serious patients to achieve their goals of youthful appearance. Ask our friendly and knowable  staff for a free consultation.